In principle, everything can be solved with only F = ma equations, but the conservation laws are very helpful. We’ll derive them from F = ma.

1D movement

Imagine, we have a particle that can move only in the x direction, and there is a force that acts on it.

Then, let’s pick an arbitrary point , where a particle has a velocity

We indeed see that the sum of potential and kinetic energy is constant. However, I want to stress that potential energy is not real! We just made it up and defined it as integral of force over a displacement. It fully depends on our choice of , and we always speak of it as a relative quantity. Here, we can only speak of the difference between E and V(x).

Relevant words about potential energy

Fugayzi, fugazi. It’s a whazy. It’s a woozie. It’s fairy dust. It’s never landed. It is no matter. It’s not on the elemental chart. It’s not fucking real.”>

Equivalently, given V(x): . One moment to notice is that in 3D, we would take a line integral between two points. Logically, then it makes sense to talk about if and only if the line integral is the same for all paths. This is true (if you remember) when the vector field is conservative ().

Small oscillations

Imagine, we have a potential function and an equilibrium point . What is the motion around it? First, Taylor expand :

Well, we don’t care about because we are concerned with differences of potential energy; the constant is not real (the quote above). By definition of , . Then, for small enough displacements, we can derive Hooke’s law!